
I was inspired by David Robinson’s Tidy Tuesday screencast to work with rtweet on familiar Twitter handles. Writing on rtweet is an amusing bit of productive procrastination while honing my R skills.

The rtweet package creator and owner, Mike Kearney, has hosted data journalism workshops covering a wide range of uses for this kind of data. They include text sentiment, geospatial networks, time series, and even bot detection. Oscar Baruffa and Veerle van Son have written a bookdown pamphlet called Twitter for R Programmers as a starter guide for people new to the R community on Twitter. Colin Fay has a nice blog post on his exploration with the {rtweet} package. And on his #30daysmapchallenge, David Hood put together a super non-geographic map at A map of my Twitter readers.

In this post we will look at the accounts that I engage most often, explore the time of day for my Twitter activity, probe for the presence of bots, and close by building an affinity map visualization of my Twitter network following.

As with any other project, start with loading the appropriate libraries.

  echo = TRUE,
  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE,
  fig.height = 7.402,
    fig.width = 12,
  fig.align = "center"


library(tidyverse)   ## tidy data manipulation, including dplyr and ggplot
library(rtweet)     # the R Twitter API 
library(tweetbotornot)  #ML to classify Twitter accounts as bots or not bots. 
library(lubridate)  # date manipulation tools
library(reactable)   # A Formatted Sortable Interactive Table 
library(ggrepel) # adding labels that don't overlap
library(hexbin) # used for map background
library(umap) # umap dimension reduction
library(here) # helper for directory locations
extrafont::loadfonts(quiet = TRUE)

theme_set(hrbrthemes::theme_ft_rc() +
            theme(plot.title.position = "plot"))

pal <- wesanderson::wes_palette("Zissou1", 21, type = "continuous")

The rtweet Obtaining and using access tokens vignette provides instructions for creating API tokens and writing them to a location on .Renviron. This only needs to be done one time.

Let’s have a look at the accounts that I favorite (or like) the most:

# there is a rate limit at Twitter at approximately 18000 each 15 minutes
df_likes <- rtweet::get_favorites("jim_gruman", n = 3000)
users_favorite <- df_likes %>% 
    group_by(screen_name, user_id) %>%
        quant_fav = n(), .groups = "drop"
    ) %>% 

users_favorite %>%
    slice_max(n = 15, order_by = quant_fav) %>% 
    mutate(screen_name = reorder(screen_name,quant_fav)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(y = screen_name, x = quant_fav, fill = quant_fav)) + 
    geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
    theme(text = element_text(hrbrthemes::font_rc, size = 16)) +
        title = "The 15 Twitter accounts I 'like' the most often",
        subtitle = paste0("Within the past 3000 Tweets, since ",min(as_date(df_likes$created_at,  tz = "America/Chicago"))),
        y = "@ user names",
        x = "# of tweets liked",
        caption = paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%b %d, %Y"), "|  @jim_gruman")) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal,
                       aesthetics = c("color","fill"),
                       limits = c(10,48))

And let’s break down my activity by week day

tw_activity <- df_likes %>% 
              tw_hour = hour(as_datetime(created_at, tz = "America/Chicago")),
              tw_day = as_date(created_at, tz = "America/Chicago"),
              tw_weekday = wday(tw_day,label = T, abbr = T, week_start = 1)
    ) %>%
    group_by(tw_weekday, tw_hour) %>%
        quant_fav = n(), .groups = "drop",
    ) %>% 
    group_by(tw_weekday) %>% 
    mutate(prop = quant_fav / sum(quant_fav)) %>% 
tw_activity %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = tw_hour, y = prop, fill = prop)) + 
    geom_col(position = position_nudge(x = .5),
             show.legend = FALSE) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(6, 12, 18)) +
    hrbrthemes::scale_y_percent() +
    facet_wrap(~tw_weekday, ncol = 5) +
    theme(text = element_text(hrbrthemes::font_rc, size = 16),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    plot.margin = margin(0.25,0.5,0.25,0.5,"in")
      ) +
        title = "My recent `liking` activity on Twitter",
        subtitle = paste0("Within the past 3000 Tweets, since ",min(as.Date(df_likes$created_at, tz = "America/Chicago"))),
        x = "hour of the day",
        y = "",
        caption = paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%b %d, %Y"), "|  @jim_gruman")) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal,
                       aesthetics = c("color","fill"),
                       limits = c(0.01,0.10))

To build the map characterizing my social media reach, let’s start by gathering my followers and their details into a dataframe:

tn <- get_followers("jim_gruman") # get my followers
usrs <- lookup_users(tn$user_id) # get my followers full details

Twitter makes a distinction between followers and friends. My followers are accounts that choose to follow my tag, @jim_gruman, and see my activity in their news feed (unless muted). At present, it is a list of 2245 user IDs, or “handles.” To capture more information on my followers, my list must be fed into lookup_users().

We will parse my followers list down somewhat by choosing for accounts in the top 90% of the distribution of counts of both followers and friends. We will also limit the list to those that have posted a tweet, retweet, or favorite at some point in time during the year 2020.

top_usrs <- usrs %>% 
  filter(followers_count > 
                    probs = 0.1, na.rm = TRUE),
         friends_count > 
                    probs = 0.1, na.rm = TRUE),
         as_date(created_at) > dmy("01-01-2020"))


The list drops to 1752 handles to study. My followers in total have 6320554 followers, though the actual number of distinct handles will be less because of overlap. On the surface, this appears to be a reasonably sized challenge.

Let’s pause here and take another look at this listing. I am also interested in how many of my followers have chosen bot accounts as friends. Michael Kearney’s tweetbotornot offers a single function for ascertaining probabilities. The default gradient boosted model uses both users-level (bio, location, number of followers and friends, etc.) and tweets-level (number of hashtags, mentions, capital letters, etc. in a user’s most recent 100 tweets) data to estimate the probability that users are bots. For larger data sets, the method can be slow. Due to Twitter’s REST API rate limits, users are limited to only 180 estimates per every 15 minutes.

To maximize the number of estimates per 15 minutes (at the cost of being less accurate), we apply the fast = TRUE argument. This method uses only users-level data, which increases the maximum number of estimates per 15 minutes to 90,000, but the accuracy is diminished.

bots <- tweetbotornot(top_usrs, fast = TRUE) %>% 
if (file.exists(here("content/post/rtweet-on-windows/bots.rds"))) {
bots <- read_rds(here("content/post/rtweet-on-windows/bots.rds"))
} else {
bots <- tweetbotornot(top_usrs, fast = TRUE) %>% 
write_rds(bots, file = here("content/post/rtweet-on-windows/bots.rds"))
bots %>% 
  filter(prob_bot > 0.9) %>% 
  select(screen_name, prob_bot) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = "Likely BOTS that my followers have friended.") %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
Table 1: Likely BOTS that my followers have friended.
screen_name prob_bot
AgLendingGroup 0.9953
DataScienceInR 0.9917
Action6thDistIL 0.9907
JoannaLidback 0.9901
AcrossSpectrum 0.9885
danrejto 0.9871
bikelaneuprise 0.9867
ethancleary 0.9858
blackcow02 0.9854
CherylBozarth 0.9839
Ambient_Intel 0.9838
DataCornering 0.9836
maytownsend 0.9827
fast_crystal 0.9814
dorfman_baruch 0.9810
UnderstandingAg 0.9809
edotosetti 0.9793
SabantoAg 0.9783
CultivationCorr 0.9769
edschober 0.9763
JonEntine 0.9758
Satrdays_DC 0.9758
ComClassic 0.9740
crcgrubbsd 0.9730
StopSterigenics 0.9723
TheRealOG_Dreah 0.9720
VirtualConfere2 0.9709
ChaelMontgomery 0.9667
mikejgraham1 0.9660
brettchase 0.9660
DeconinckKoen 0.9653
HouseAgDems 0.9642
TimeAgro 0.9628
Storm5farms 0.9626
AndyAtLogikk 0.9608
agbiotech 0.9605
TracySchlater 0.9571
soozed 0.9571
sustaincase 0.9561
agrivision_er 0.9546
zerohourclimate 0.9527
CattleTales 0.9521
JoniWallaceML 0.9514
DakotaStandard 0.9507
thalesians 0.9507
wagfarms 0.9505
sermowire 0.9504
iastatejay 0.9489
bwrasa 0.9489
OhioStatePA 0.9486
TiffDowell 0.9485
Superior_Silos 0.9467
FarmGirlJen 0.9441
cncfarms99 0.9438
FarmOpCap 0.9438
paix120 0.9436
hoffsbeefs 0.9434
dmwiebe 0.9422
racheldgantz 0.9418
MarketToMarket 0.9387
AgNews_Otto 0.9378
markbomford 0.9376
twitevit 0.9367
ChannelMktMC 0.9355
kansas_amy 0.9347
Rocks_Gone 0.9332
analytics_post 0.9329
Knuckey_Aus 0.9327
TerryDonahoe2 0.9321
FutureOfAg 0.9321
Mattkohnen1 0.9320
SchrimpfPaul 0.9314
TechHummingbird 0.9301
IHeartAwarenes1 0.9292
WIAgLeader 0.9288
Dougwoolf 0.9288
iWorkMarket 0.9277
TheLANDonline 0.9264
StrathJim 0.9258
sustainablegreg 0.9241
johngaspard 0.9222
riviereagseeds 0.9217
BlakeEarly10 0.9196
GMOInfo_IT 0.9196
shadesnatureinc 0.9188
tylerpaduraru 0.9187
RayLong 0.9172
prometheusgreen 0.9147
MatBonaventure 0.9146
_GypsyCouple 0.9144
mem_somerville 0.9131
IAwateralliance 0.9131
ChiNurse 0.9126
scherms93 0.9124
messykennedy 0.9120
2rkiva 0.9118
MarkLaVenia 0.9108
skyx_agri_swarm 0.9092
HayMapApp 0.9092
RhondaT40 0.9082
HempDirectUSA 0.9078
SteveSprieser 0.9069
HJ_Thompson 0.9063
PerryComGroup 0.9044
IndivisibleNEIA 0.9041
OntFarmerNews 0.9033
fowlerfarms11 0.9031
cmnicholson_ 0.9017
Emilycgb 0.9016
CowSpotComm 0.9004
Danialcrig1 0.9003

Let’s also re-create our version of Michael Kearney’s Polar plot with bots and my favorites accounts from above.

accounts <- c(pull(users_favorite, screen_name)[1:6],
              pull(bots[1:5,], screen_name),"rstats4ds")

tmls <- get_timelines(accounts, n = 3000)
tmls %>% 
  mutate(tw_spot = floor_date(as_datetime(created_at, tz = "America/Chicago"), "10 mins")) %>% 
  group_by(tw_hour = hour(tw_spot) + minute(tw_spot) / 60,
           bots = if_else(screen_name %in% pull(bots[1:5,], screen_name), TRUE, FALSE),
           screen_name) %>% 
             summarize(activity = log10(n()),
                       .groups = "drop") %>% 
 ggplot(aes(tw_hour, activity, color = bots)) +
  geom_point(show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_polygon(show.legend = FALSE) +
  theme(axis.text.y =  element_blank()) +
  coord_polar(theta = "x") +
  facet_wrap(~ screen_name) +
  labs(title = "Is it a TweetBot or Not?",
       subtitle = "Tweet frequency by time of day, Chicago time, in 10 minute buckets for last 3000 Tweets",
       y = "log(TweetCount)",
       x = "Time of Day") 

To gather the remaining details of my follower’s connections, we will have to call get_friends() for each of my followers. Twitter has a rate limit. That is, the base API allows 15 requests in a 15 minute period, so the commands are written to pause when it runs out until it can make more requests. With the size of my followers friends lists I expect the process to take around 70 hours, so saving *.csv files is a strategy for restarting if and when problems arise. (Where possible, source this code from a cloud based virtual machine that you can walk away from for a couple of days.)

allfriends <- function(target_account){
  friendable <- rate_limit("get_friends") 
  if (friendable$remaining[1] < 1) {
  Sys.sleep(as.numeric(difftime(friendable$reset_at[1], Sys.time(), units = "secs")) + 2)
  result <- tryCatch(get_friends(target_account, retryonratelimit = TRUE),
                   error = function(e) NULL, warning = function(w) NULL)
  if (!is.null(result)) {
  write_as_csv(result, file_name = here("content/post/rtweet-on-windows/fr/",target_account,"FR.csv"))

still_to_get <- top_usrs$user_id

lapply(still_to_get, allfriends) 

To restart the process, ignoring already downloaded follower ID’s, we would execute this code:

still_to_get <- top_usrs$user_id[!(top_usrs$user_id %in% gsub("FR.csv","",list.files(path = here("content/post/rtweet-on-windows/fr/"), pattern="FR\\.csv"), fixed = TRUE))]

lapply(still_to_get, allfriends) 

There may well still be friends lists we can’t get, like private accounts, so we are working only with the publicly available information.

Some while later… 63 hours for me, in fact, …we read in all the saved csv files and compile them into one list.

df_relationships <- map_dfr(list.files(path = here("content/post/rtweet-on-windows/fr/"),
                                       pattern = "FR\\.csv$", 
                                       full.names = TRUE), read_csv, col_types = "cc") %>% 
  select(user, user_id) 
df_relationships %>% 
  group_by(user_id) %>%
  mutate(occurances = n()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  count(user) %>% 
  summarise(entries = sum(n), uniques = n())
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   entries uniques
##     <int>   <int>
## 1 3559934    1751

The dataset then represents 3,559,934 relationship pairs for the 1751 (public) top active accounts following @jim_gruman.

Because our interest is in finding commonalities in who follows the same accounts, let’s check how large the problem would be if we remove the accounts only followed by 1 person in this dataset, as unique accounts, by definition, are not shared with other people.

df_relationships %>% 
  group_by(user_id) %>%
  mutate(occurances = n()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(occurances > 1) %>% 
  count(user) %>% 
  summarise(entries = sum(n), uniques = n())
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   entries uniques
##     <int>   <int>
## 1 2725818    1751

This simplifies the problem to 2,725,818 relationship pairs, without losing anything that we care about in this analysis. Let’s then turn it from a long list of individual pairs to a wide list of one row for each person that follows me and a column for each account followed by any (2 or more) of my followers.

To apply TSNE or UMAP affinity mapping, the data frame needs to be reshaped into a wide matrix. Given enough time, I would have investigated the sparseMatrix data structure as well.

wide_relationships <- df_relationships %>% 
  group_by(user_id) %>%
  mutate(occurences = n()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(occurences > 1) %>% 
  select(-occurences) %>% 
  mutate(weight = 1L) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = user_id, 
              values_from = weight, 
              values_fill = 0L)

## [1]   1751 318419

With 1751 rows and 318419 columns, where there is a 1 if a person follows the account and a 0 if they do not, we will use dimension reduction techniques to reduce the data frame down to 2 columns for an x and y position to plot. For brevity, will apply the UMAP technique here.

data_matrix <- as.matrix(wide_relationships[,2:ncol(wide_relationships)])

For building the UMAP reduction, please note that I used an hp Omen Windows laptop with 16 GB of RAM and a 2.2 GHz i7 processor. It took several minutes, towards the end of which the cooling fans were audibly active.

friends.umap <- umap(data_matrix)
umap <- as.data.frame(friends.umap$layout)

umap$user <- wide_relationships$user

Let’s also explore the amount of cross-following, that is, accounts that follow both me and accounts that follow me, as this has implications in characterizing the spread of information through my social network and the extent of the bubble. If we treat cross-followed accounts as major cites on a map, we need to rank the accounts by how cross-followed they are among those on the list.

prominence <- df_relationships %>% 
  count(user_id) %>%
  mutate(user_id = str_remove(user_id, "^x")) 

landmarks <- top_usrs %>% 
  left_join(prominence, by = "user_id") %>%
  select(user = user_id, screen_name, follows = n) %>% 
  mutate(follows = ifelse(is.na(follows), 0, follows)) 

write_rds(landmarks, file = here("content/post/rtweet-on-windows/landmarks.rds"))

From here it is a visualization exercise with labels supplied by the landmarks. Let’s see what happens when all of the labels for handles with follows greater than 240 are turned on.

umap %>% 
  inner_join(landmarks, by = "user") %>% 
  mutate(screen_name = ifelse(follows > 240, 
                            screen_name, NA)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(V1,V2,size = follows, color = follows)) + 
  geom_point(show.legend = FALSE) +
  labs(title = "Twitter Social Media Following", subtitle = "UMAP",
       caption = paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%b %d, %Y"), " @jim_gruman")) +
  geom_label_repel(aes(label = screen_name), size = 3, color = "black") +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal,
                       aesthetics = c("color","fill"))

We can do better.

Let’s take a closer look at the position of a bunch of #AgTwitter and #Rstats accounts, to explore how natural the groups seem to be.

ag <- c("MachineryPete","lesleyraekelly","apasztor82",
        "PitstickFarms", "farmermegzz", "jerodmcdaniel",
        "jasonmauck1", "thisfarmwife", "MGigger",
        "allison_horst", "CMastication")

umap %>% 
  inner_join(landmarks, by = "user") %>% 
  mutate(screen_name = ifelse(screen_name %in% ag, 
                            screen_name, NA)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(V1,V2,size = follows, color = follows)) + 
  geom_point(show.legend = FALSE) +
  labs(title = "My Twitter Social Media Following", subtitle = "UMAP",
       caption = paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%b %d, %Y"), " @jim_gruman")) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal,
                       aesthetics = c("color")) +
  geom_label_repel(aes(label = screen_name), size = 6, color = "black") 

There may be clustering structure in the cloud, but the image is very busy. How much more effective could a visual using density hexbins be?

umap %>% 
  inner_join(landmarks, by = "user") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(V1,V2)) + 
  geom_hex(color = NA) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal,
                       aesthetics = c("color","fill"))

The pangea-like quality is visually appealing. Let’s see what can be done with labels or annotations, and a follower count greater than 400.

umap %>% 
  inner_join(landmarks, by = "user") %>% 
  mutate(screen_name = ifelse(follows > 400, screen_name, NA_character_),
         xpoint = ifelse(follows > 400, V1, NA),
         ypoint = ifelse(follows > 400, V2, NA),
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = V1,y = V2)) + 
  geom_hex(color = NA, show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal,
                       aesthetics = c("color","fill")) + 
  geom_point(aes(xpoint, ypoint)) +
  geom_label_repel(aes(label = screen_name),
                   size = 3,
                   label.padding = 0.25,
                   box.padding = 2.5) +   
  labs(title = "Where my tweets travel",
       caption = paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%b %d, %Y"), "|  @jim_gruman")) 

Even with the box.padding parameter, it is a challenge to achieve the right balance of labels and visual. Let’s selectively add in accounts that we think are illustrative, as a personal choice.

cities <- c("allison_horst", "CMastication", "wtfisameme", "Casein_Micelles", "AgNews_Otto",  "SteveSprieser", "hoffsbeefs", "eatcookwrite", "ChrisClaytonDTN", "jerodmcdaniel","agronomistag", "timhammerich", "farmermegzz", "AGofTheWorld", "RobbFraley")

umap %>% 
  inner_join(landmarks, by = "user") %>% 
  mutate(screen_name = if_else(screen_name %in% cities, screen_name, NA_character_),
         cityx = ifelse(screen_name %in% cities, V1, NA)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(V1,V2)) + 
  geom_hex(color = NA, show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal,
                       aesthetics = c("color","fill")) + 
  geom_point(aes(cityx, V2, size = follows), show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_size_area(max_size = 2) + 
  labs(title = "Where my tweets travel",
       caption = paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%b %d, %Y"), " @jim_gruman")) +
  geom_label_repel(aes(label = screen_name), size = 6) 


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Engineer and analyst