Data Science

Ten Tidyverse Updates

Stay up to date with examples using the penguins dataset

The Palmer Penguins

This week’s #TidyTuesday subject is a study of 342 observations of Antarctic penguins on the Palmer Archipelago. Our goal here is first to predict the sex feature missing from several of the penguins in the dataset using a classification model, driven by what is known in other observations in the dataset. Then, we will take a closer look at an expert data visualization crafted by Cedric Scherer. And finally, we will close with a discussion of several methods of assessing variable importance.

End-to-End Machine Learning

Brandon Rohrer of iRobot curates a “Teachable” collection of courses/blogs called End-to-End Machine Learning which include a number of free introductory sections, including: Data Science Concepts, is a pocket guide to building the things that data scientists build. It opens with a 49 minute video, Data Science for Absolutely Everyone from his days building these materials in 2016 with Microsoft. As amazing as it is, there are only five questions that machine learning can answer: